Fill in the blanks
1-your body needs …………………………and ………………… to survive.
2- each cell in the body has a jop in maintaining …………………………………
3- your cells are organized in ………………
4- a group of similar cells working together forms ………………
5- your body has four main kinds of …………….
6- the four main kinds of tissues are the ………………tissue, ……………….tissue, …………………tissue, and ……………….tissue
7- two or more tissues working toghether form an ………………
8- organs that work toghether make up an ………………………………
9- the cardiovascular system include …………..,……………….and blood ……………….
10 the respiratory system include …………….
Answer the questions????
1-what is the function of each of the followings ??
( connective tissue, muscle tissue, nervous tissue, epithelial tissue)
2- how cardiovascular system and respiratory sytem are related?
3- list the 11 kinds of organ systems? With functions!!!!!